
Finding a Happy Medium

I think it's interesting how differently people handle Chiari. The woman in the first video is so perky and optimistic it's sickening. FYI lady, there is no "fix" for Chiari. (For some people, surgery can help, but it is in no way a cure.) Then there is the guy from the second video, who is fed up with ignorant doctors and disbelieving friends. He plays the victim role, saying he "suffers" from Chiari. Maybe the way one handles Chiari is based on one's experiences. The woman was diagnosed and had surgery fairly soon after her symptoms started. She was blessed to find a good neurosurgeon that quickly. On the other hand, the guy had had pain since childhood, and had experienced years and years of ignorant, hurtful doctors and friends who had told him that his was crazy.

That's something to keep in mind: everyone's experience with Chiari is different. One has to choose how to handle it.

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