
The Empty Space

I went to Michael's (the arts and crafts store), and Target today; I needed some things in order to keep working on my Christmas gifts. I have since decided that one-o'clock on Thursday afternoons is the ultimate shopping time, and possibly a gift from God! Almost no one else was there at that time, and, as I pulled up in front of Michael's, the most beautiful parking space was waiting for me. It couldn't have been more appealing if it had been covered in chocolate! ( And that's saying a lot.)This empty spot had no blue sign above it with the stylized image of a white, unisex, stick figure sitting aimlessly in a white wheelchair. This was a "normal" spot. It was also the first parking space in the row. I almost peed myself.

I'm not against using parking spaces that are set aside for those with physical ailments. In fact, I use them frequently. But sometimes I get tired of the pointed glances I get as I, a healthy-looking young woman, hang that blue tag on my rear-view mirror and step (apparently healthily) out of my car.

That's why I almost peed myself today. I got the closest spot to the store (meaning I didn't get too bad of a headache from walking) and nobody looked at me like I was an impostor!

It's the little things, right?

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